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Promising Practices and Literature Review

The following documents include both promising practices and literature reviews applicable to the Common Performance Measures. Due to WIOA’s requirement for the Departments of Labor and Education programs to measure long-term employment-related outcomes, these practices and research provide detailed information on identified barriers and possible strategies regarding self-sustaining needs of people with disabilities.

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Click each item below to find the full Literature Review related to the topic:

CPM Related Initiatives and Core Partner Shared Practices

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Analysis of Historical Data Related to Common Performance Measures

  • WIOA-Based Accountability: Initial WIOA-Based Outcomes in Texas

    Texas looked at historical client data for Adult WIOA clients, Vocational Rehabilitation and Labor, to gauge Texas' potential performance on the WIOA employment and median earnings performance measures. Texas used FY12-17 as its years for analysis. The VR participants, with the exception of one year, had the highest percentage of clients employed in Quarter 2, Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 after exit. This examined their employment status but not whether clients were working for the same employer in the three quarters.

  • A Presentation on North Carolina’s Common Follow-up System

    The Common Follow-up System provides information on the educational and employment outcomes of participants in North Carolina's publicly supported educational, employment and training programs (including VR) for use in state-level planning, policy making, program evaluation, resource allocation and career planning. The system helps answer questions about participants and graduates in areas such as wages, the industries employing them, differences in employment and wages for different academic majors, and if they find employment within the state of North Carolina.

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