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WIOA Implementation

WIOA Vision: Self-Paced Training
In this WINTAC Self-Paced Training, review the vision of WIOA in terms of customer service, as well as areas in which the State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency emerges as a leader in every state in achieving this vision. 
Click this link to view the WIOA Vison Self-Pace Training. (Transcript for WIOA Vision Self-Paced Training)
Assessing WIOA Service Integration: The Integration Continuum
Enter the training site on the TMS: ID180407
Where do you see your agency and services aligning with those of your partners? Are your agencies in agreement in your assessment of service alignment? WINTAC is using the “Integration Continuum” self-assessment with VR agencies and their partners in WIOA implementation. This tool provides a tangible basis to reflect upon where agencies align to support discussion about where they would like to be and activity that will help get them there.
Collaborative Strategic Planning for Service Alignment
The Collaborative Strategic Planning for Service Alignment training covers the WIOA requirements for service alignment and how Vocational Rehabilitation leaders can use a strategic and integrative planning process with Core and Required Partners in American Job Centers to improve services for job seekers and disabilities and others with substantial barriers to employment. The advantages of shared planning and examples from states using Strategic Self-Assessment and Planning for Service Integration are shared.
Click to view the PDF version of the training slides
Career Services in the American Job Center
Enter the training site on the TMS: ID180401
What are those services in every American Job Center that are to be available and accessible to all job seekers as they come in the door? How can the expert leadership of all core and required WIOA programs support these services in enhancing the outcomes experienced by every partner program participant? In this session, partner agencies from three different states share their experiences.

Integrated Resource Teams

The IRT and WIOA: The Strategy and Its Relevance
Enter the training site on the TMS: ID190401
The Integrated Resource Team strategy is a service approach designed to blend the expertise of other agencies with that of your rehabilitation counselors in realizing the career outcomes of participants. This presentation outlines the deliberate approach that many agencies are taking to make collaborative service delivery an inherent component of their workforce system for job seekers with multiple challenges to meeting their objectives.

Career Pathways

Career Pathways: A Roadmap for Innovation and Integration
Enter the training site on the TMS: ID170411
Linking the objectives of key business sectors with the training and upskilling resources of your community with the support of employment specialists, case managers and VR Counselors is what Career Pathway models are all about. How can this structure support your services and career counseling efforts with your participants? This session may be a good step in finding the answers to this question for your agency and for your community partnerships.


Order of Selection and Promising Practices
Enter the training site on the TMS: ID180406
This presentation features examples of how two state agencies are approaching the challenges they face as they go into Order of Selection.