Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA)
Congress has passed guidance with regard to establishing a system of employment services in tune with the 21st Century business needs.
The guidance for the development of this workforce "system" is articulated in Title 1 – Workforce Development Activities under Sub-Title A: System Alignment. Chapter 1 of Sub-Title A addresses State Level Provisions; Chapter 2 covers Local Provisions; Chapter 3 covers Local and State Board Provisions; and Section 116 in Chapter 4 addresses Performance Accountability.
Applicable CFR Sections
The Final WIOA Rules are posted in the Federal Register 8/19/16, with the following links provided by the US Departments of Education and Labor:
The U.S. Departments of Education and Labor are proud to announce the publication in the Federal Register of the following final rules implementing the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA):
WIOA: Joint Rule for Unified and Combined State Plans, Performance Accountability, and the One-Stop System Joint Provisions – Final Rule
(Effective Date: October 18, 2016) -
State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program; State Supported Employment Services Program; Limitations on Use of Subminimum Wage – Final Rule
(Effective Date: September 19, 2016, with the exception of 34 CFR 361.10; 34 CFR 361.23; 34 CFR 361.40; and subparts D, E, and F of part 361, which become effective October 18, 2016) -
WIOA: Miscellaneous Program Changes – Final Rule
(Effective Date: September 19, 2016, with the exception that the removal of part 388 becomes effective October 1, 2016)
Additional Guidance from our Federal Partners in Implementation
Operational Guidance for the American Job Center
On 8/13/15, RSA, DOL and OCTAE released matching guidance regarding the Vision of WIOA. On 1/18/17, each of these agencies followed this with matching guidance on implementation:
These are matching guidance documents, collaboratively developed and timed for joint dissemination. These releases outline responsibilities for Core and Required Partners in the American Job Centers (AJCs). Guidance includes expectations and benefits as a result of service integration and alignment, as well as the description of Career Services, that are required to be available in all centers reflected through this integration. These also include guidance for MOUs between the Local Workforce Development Boards and Required Partner agencies. While they provide the same guidance, these are included together here because they demonstrate the same "integration" in service approach and guidance that they envision in Job Center operation.
Infrastructure Funding for the American Job Center
Developed concurrently with partner Federal agencies, RSA has released the following guidance on Infrastructure funding of the One-Stop Delivery System.
This guidance provides the definitions infrastructure and additional costs, and responsibilities for partner agencies. It also outlines requirements for the development of an Infrastructure Funding Agreement (IFA) which a required part of the MOU with the Local Workforce Development Board.