Click each topic below to view the related training:
- Overview
- Customized Employment
- Supported Employment
- Competitive Integrated Employment
- Business Engagement
Customized Employment
- Promoting Employment - Introduction to Customized Employment and Customized Self Employment
- CE Implementing and Distinctions with SE
- Conducting an Employer Needs Analysis & Job Dev. Strategies for CE
Supported Employment
- RSA's recent ppt/TA from WIOA conferences/training
An Outsider's Explanation of Supported Employment presentation by Laruie Ford, Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation, University of Washington
Two self-study training modules on Supported Employment(SE)
Competitive Integrated Employment
Presentations and trainings on individuals with Autism Spectrum Conditions
- PowerPoint Presentation of Understanding Individuals with Autism Spectrum Conditions within VR services
Transcript of Understanding Individuals with Autism Spectrum Conditions within VR services
NOTE: For CRC Verification, log into the website, and complete the training on the TMS
- PowerPoint Presentation of Engaging and Communicating with Individuals with Autism before, during and after the Intake Process through Eligibility Determination
Transcript of Engaging and Communicating with Individuals with Autism before, during and after the Intake Process through Eligibility Determination
NOTE: For CRC Verification, log into the website, and complete the training on the TMS
- PowerPoint Presentation of Tailoring Assessments and Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Process for Consumers with Autism
Transcript of Tailoring Assessments and Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Process for Consumers with Autism
NOTE: For CRC Verification, log into the website, and complete the training on the TMS
- PowerPoint Presentation of Tailoring Assessments and Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Process for Consumers with Autism
Transcript of Tailoring Assessments and Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Process for Consumers with Autism
NOTE: For CRC Verification, log into the website, and complete the training on the TMS
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment in the Era of WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act)
For CRC Credit and other questions, please contact 479-877-9619 or phale@uacurrents.orgDescription:
You have been partnering with people with disabilities helping them take advantage of opportunities made available by changes in legislation. This 3 hour class will provide an opportunity for you to build on these skills and add to your tool box. Some of the topics we will discuss and study are:
- Working with workforce and other partners
- Customized Employment and supported employment– monitoring progress, vendors, and working with employers.
- Building a relationship with employers and other partners.
- Ethics (Where are the sticky points?)
Job-Driven Customized Training (link to Explore VR)
Customized training (CT) meets the specific skill needs of an employer or a group of employers. CT programs are often partnerships between employers and local training providers. Vocational Rehabilitation organizations can collaborate with customized training initiatives as an avenue to enhance Competitive Integrated Employment. The following JDVRTAC webinars provide insight into customized employment and its relevance for Vocational Rehabilitation.
Business Engagement
Job-Driven Customized Training (link to Explore VR)
Customized training (CT) meets the specific skill needs of an employer or a group of employers. CT programs are often partnerships between employers and local training providers. Vocational Rehabilitation organizations can collaborate with customized training initiatives as an avenue to enhance Competitive Integrated Employment. The following JDVRTAC webinars provide insight into customized employment and its relevance for Vocational Rehabilitation.
This webinar presentation focuses on current VR Customized Training models and practices demonstrating VR collaboration with employers and other community partners.
This webinar highlights two successful Customized Training (CT) programs: Orion Industries in Washington state and Starbucks Inclusion Academy Program in Nevada and Pennsylvania.
Skills for Business Engagement Part 1 and 2
Business engagement is critical to effective competitive integrated employment. This JDVRTAC sponsored two-part webinar series provide the participant information about skills for business engagement. Part one explores common business engagement models used in vocational rehabilitation agencies and the benefits and drawbacks of each. Also included is the philosophy of a dual customer approach; serving the employer as a customer through effective communication strategies that respect the perspective of the business community.
Part two of the JDVRTAC two - part webinar series "Skills for Business Engagement" provides strategies for making connections with employers in both formal and informal situations. Ideas are shared relative to understanding employers' business needs s-and responding to concerns and misunderstandings they may have about employing people with disabilities.
Partnering with Workforce in Business Engagement
This Explore VR archived webinar focuses on Missouri’s collaborative partnership between vocational rehabilitation and workforce development. Yvonne Wright, the director of business outreach and workforce development at Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation discusses the establishment of the partnership, its evolution, and the positive effects it has had in serving the dual customer.