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...Sec. 202. (a) and 204 (a)

Sec. 202 (a) | Sec. 204 (a)

Sec. 202. (a)

...(9) conducting research to examine the relationship between the provision of specific services and successful, sustained employment outcomes, including employment outcomes involving self‑employment, supported employment (including customized employment), and telecommuting; and…


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…Research and Other Covered Activities…

...Sec. 204. (a)

...(2)(B) (v) studies, analyses, and other activities related to supported employment, and to promoting employment opportunities in competitive integrated employment;…

...(b)(1) In addition to carrying out projects under subsection (a), the Director may make grants under this subsection (referred to in this subsection as "research grants") to pay part or all of the cost of the research or other specialized covered activities described in paragraphs (2) through [(17)]. A research grant made under any of paragraphs (2) through [(17)] may only be used in a manner consistent with priorities established in the 5‑year plan described in section 202(h).

(2)(A) Research grants may be used for the establishment and support of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers, for the purpose of providing an integrated program of research, which Centers shall ‑‑

...(2)(C) The research to be carried out at each such Center may include‑‑

...(vi) research, dissemination, and technical assistance, on best practices in vocational rehabilitation, including supported employment and other strategies to promote competitive integrated employment for persons with the most significant disabilities…

...(3)(A) Research grants may be used for the establishment and support of Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers, operated by or in collaboration with institutions of higher education or nonprofit organizations, to conduct research or demonstration activities, and training activities, regarding independent living strategies and rehabilitation technology, including rehabilitation engineering, assistive technology devices, and assistive technology services, for the purposes of enhancing opportunities for better meeting the needs of, and addressing the barriers confronted by, individuals with disabilities in all aspects of their lives.

(B) In order to carry out the purposes set forth in subparagraph (A), such a Center shall carry out the research or demonstration activities by -

...(D)(i) In establishing Centers to conduct the research or demonstration activities described in subparagraph (B)(iii), the Director may establish one Center in each of the following areas of focus:

...(III) Employment, including supported employment, and reasonable accommodations and the reduction of environmental barriers as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) and title V…

...(11) Research grants may be used to conduct a model research and training program under which model training centers shall be established to develop and use more advanced and effective methods of evaluating and addressing the employment needs, opportunities, and outcomes (including those relating to self-employment, supported employment, and telecommuting) of individuals with disabilities, including programs that ‑‑

(A) provide training and continuing education for personnel involved with the employment of individuals with disabilities;

(B) develop model procedures for testing and evaluating the employment and employment related needs of individuals with disabilities;

(C) develop model training programs to teach individuals with disabilities skills which will lead to appropriate employment;

(D) develop new approaches for job placement of individuals with disabilities, including new followup procedures relating to such placement;

(E) provide information services regarding education, training, employment, and job placement for individuals with disabilities;

(F) develop new approaches and provide information regarding job accommodations, including the use of rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology;

(G) develop models to facilitate the successful transition of individuals with disabilities from nonintegrated employment and employment that is compensated at a wage less than the Federal minimum wage to competitive integrated employment;

(H) develop models to maximize opportunities for integrated community living, including employment and independent living, for individuals with disabilities;

(I) provide training and continuing education for personnel involved with community living for individuals with disabilities;

(J) develop model procedures for testing and evaluating the community living related needs of individuals with disabilities;

(K) develop model training programs to teach individuals with disabilities skills which will lead to integrated community living and full participation in the community; and

(L) develop new approaches for long-term services and supports for individuals with disabilities, including supports for competitive integrated employment.

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